Compressor wheel 709310-0001

About product Description
30.67 €
37.72 € gross, including 23% VAT
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  • Manufacturer:


  • Serial number:


  • Main number:

    GT42-00, GA-03-0110, 712340-0003, CW-0459

  • OEM number:

    735059-0004, 735059-0006, 735059-0005, 735059-0003, 735059-0002, 735059-0001, 709310-0001, 714508-0001, 714508-0002, 714508-0003, 714508-0004, 714785-0001, 714785-0002, 714785-0008, 714786-0001, 714787-0001, 714787-0002, 714787-0013, 714787-0017, 714787-0018, 714787-0019, 714788-0002, 714788-0004, 714789-0002, 714789-0004, 714789-0005, 714795-0001, 716023-0002

About product

GA-03-0110 - Compressor wheel

Brand: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Reference: GA-03-0110

GA-03-0110 - Alternative numbers

GHP (Garrett original part number): 712340-0003

TCP (TurboCentras part number): GA-03-0110

TCO (TurboCentras old part number): GT42-00

GA-03-0110 - Compatibility table

Compressor wheel GA-03-0110 - Compatible turbochargers
Garrett GT4294 709310-0001 709310-0001 --
Garrett GT4294 714508-0001 714508-0001 --
Garrett GT4294 714508-0002 714508-0002 --
Garrett GT4294 714508-0003 714508-0003 --
Garrett GT4294 714508-0004 714508-0004 --
Garrett GTA4294 714785-0001 714785-0001 --
Garrett GTA4294 714785-0002 714785-0002 --
Garrett GTA4294 714785-0008 714785-0008 --
Garrett GTA4294 714786-0001 714786-0001 --
Garrett GTA4294 714787-0001 714787-0001 --
Garrett GTA4294 714787-0002 714787-0002 --
Garrett GTA4294 714787-0013 714787-0013, 714787-5013S 23528046
Garrett GTA4294 714787-0017 714787-0017 --
Garrett GTA4294 714787-0018 714787-0018 --
Garrett GTA4294 714787-0019 714787-0019 --
Garrett GTA4294 714788-0002 714788-0002, 714788-5002S 23528045
Garrett GTA4294 714788-0004 714788-0004 --
Garrett GTA4294 714789-0002 714789-0002, 714789-5002S 23528047
Garrett GTA4294 714789-0004 714789-0004, 714789-5004S 23528049
Garrett GTA4294 714789-0005 714789-0005 --
Garrett GTA4294 714795-0001 714795-0001, 714795-5001S 23528050
Garrett GT4294 716023-0002 716023-0002 --
Garrett GT4294 716269-0001 716269-0001 --
Garrett GT4294 716269-0002 716269-0002 --
Garrett GT4294 716269-0003 716269-0003 --
Garrett GT4294 716269-0004 716269-0004 --
Garrett GTA4594 716292-0001 716292-0001 --
Garrett GT4294 720358-0001 720358-0001 194-1116
Garrett GTA4294L 720538-0001 720538-0001 --
Garrett GTA4294L 720538-0002 720538-0002, 720538-5002S 196-2776
Garrett GTA459402L 720539-0001 720539-0001 --
Garrett GTA4294L 720977-0002 720977-0002 --
Garrett GT4294 722181-0002 722181-0002 --
Garrett GT4294 724390-0002 724390-0002 --
Garrett GT4294 724390-0003 724390-0003 --
Garrett GTA4294BS 730308-0001 730308-0001 --
Garrett GTA4294BS 730308-0002 730308-0002 --
Garrett GTA4294BS 733549-0001 733549-0001 --
Garrett GTA4294BS 733549-0002 733549-0002 --
Garrett GTA4294BS 733553-0001 733553-0001 --
Garrett GTA4294BS 733553-0002 733553-0002 --
Garrett GTA4294BS 733555-0001 733555-0001 --
Garrett GT4594S 735059-0001 735059-0001, 735059-5001S 1453028
Garrett GT4594S 735059-0002 735059-0002, 735059-5002S 1453029
Garrett GT4594S 735059-0003 735059-0003, 735059-5003S 1453028
Garrett GT4594S 735059-0004 735059-0004, 735059-5004S 1453029
Garrett GT4594S 735059-0005 735059-0005, 735059-5005S 1453028
Garrett GT4594S 735059-0006 735059-0006, 735059-5006S 1453029
Garrett GT4294 738020-0002 738020-0002 --
Garrett GTA4594BL 740473-0001 740473-0001 --
Garrett GTA4294 762290-0001 762290-0001 --

GA-03-0110 - Part Properties


Blades (Compressor wheel blades count): 6/6

Rotation (Compressor wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Compressor wheel production method type): Cast

Back (Compressor wheel back design): Deep Super

A (Size A): 94.10

A1 (Size A1): 94.10

B (Size B): 67.90

C (Size C): 7.60

C1 (Size C1): 20.90

D (Size D): 64.70

E (Size E): 8.25

712340-0003, GA-03-0110, GT42-00

709310-0001, 714508-0001, 714508-0002, 714508-0003, 714508-0004, 714785-0001, 714785-0002, 714785-0008, 714786-0001, 714787-0001, 714787-0002, 23528046, 714787-0013, 714787-5013S, 714787-0017, 714787-0018, 714787-0019, 23528045, 714788-0002, 714788-5002S, 714788-0004, 23528047, 714789-0002, 714789-5002S, 23528049, 714789-0004, 714789-5004S, 714789-0005, 23528050, 714795-0001, 714795-5001S, 716023-0002, 716269-0001, 716269-0002, 716269-0003, 716269-0004, 716292-0001, 194-1116, 720358-0001, 720538-0001, 196-2776, 720538-0002, 720538-5002S, 720539-0001, 720977-0002, 722181-0002, 724390-0002, 724390-0003, 730308-0001, 730308-0002, 733549-0001, 733549-0002, 733553-0001, 733553-0002, 733555-0001, 1453028, 735059-0001, 735059-5001S, 1453029, 735059-0002, 735059-5002S, 1453028, 735059-0003, 735059-5003S, 1453029, 735059-0004, 735059-5004S, 1453028, 735059-0005, 735059-5005S, 1453029, 735059-0006, 735059-5006S, 738020-0002, 740473-0001, 762290-0001


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