Compressor wheel (CNC) 53039700215

- Manufacturer:
- Serial number:
- Main number:
BW-03-0094, 5304 123 2242, K03/04-23B, CW-1152B
- OEM number:
53039700246, 53039700284, 53039700310, 53039700364, 53039700388, 53039700523, 53039700323, 53039700365, 53039700403, 53039700472, 53039700522, 53039700215, 53039880306, 53039700307, 53039700427
About product
Blades (Compressor wheel blades count): 6/6
Rotation (Compressor wheel rotation direction): Standard
Type (Compressor wheel production method type): Billet
Back (Compressor wheel back design): Super
A (Size A): 51.00
A1 (Size A1): 52.80
B (Size B): 41.00
C (Size C): 4.55
C1 (Size C1): 2.60
D (Size D): 25.70
E (Size E): 4.61
Compressor wheel (CNC) for turbochargers:
53039880306, 53039700467, 53039700384, 53039700306, 53039700523, 53039700522, 53039700472, 53039700427, 53039700403, 53039700388, 53039700365, 53039700364, 53039700323, 53039700310, 53039700307, 53039700284, 53039700246, 53039700215, 28231-2B700, 28500-2B700, 5303 970 0215, 11658506380, 5303 970 0246, 11658506380, 5303 970 0284, 28231-2B710, 28500-2B710, 5303 970 0307, 11658506380, 5303 970 0310, 11658506381, 5303 970 0323, 11658506380, 5303 970 0364, 11658506381, 5303 970 0365, 11658506380, 5303 970 0388, 11658506381, 5303 970 0403, 28231-2B730, 28500-2B730, 5303 970 0427, 11658506381, 5303 970 0472, 11658506381, 5303 970 0522, 11658506380, 5303 970 0523, 28231-2B700, 28231-2B720, 28231-2B740, 28500-2B700, 28500-2B720, 28500-2B740, 5303 970 0306, 5303 970 0384, 5303 970 0467, 5303 988 0306
ATTENTION! Before buying, check the turbine number in your car (turbine nameplate).
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