Compressor wheel 409172-0067

15.99 gross, including 23% VAT
Remaining 2 pcs.
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  • Manufacturer:


  • Serial number:


  • Main number:

    T3-01, 409096-0001, 409096-0008, GA-03-0130, CW-0065

  • OEM number:

    3523677, 452012-0004, 465245-0001, 465752-0001, 465752-0002, 465776-0002, 465776-0003, 465776-0004, 465778-0001, 465778-0016, 465778-0017, 465778-0018, 465844-0001, 465896-0002, 465896-0003, 466346-0002, 466346-0003, 466674-0001, 466674-0002, 466674-0003, 466674-0004, 466674-0006, 466746-0001, 466746-0002, 466746-0004, 466746-0006

About product

GA-03-0130 - Compressor wheel

Brand: TurboCentras

TurboCentras Reference: GA-03-0130

GA-03-0130 - Alternative numbers

GHP (Garrett original part number): 409096-0001

GHP (Garrett original part number): 409096-0008

TCP (TurboCentras part number): GA-03-0130

TCO (TurboCentras old part number): T3-01

GA-03-0130 - Compatibility table

Compressor wheel GA-03-0130 - Compatible turbochargers
Holset H1C 3523677 3523677, 4033689, 4033689H, 4033803, 465776-0001, 465776-0005 4880591, 4881090, 4881650, 504881650, 9004881650, VOE4881650
Garrett TA3128 409172-0067 409172-0067 --
Garrett TA3131 452012-0004 452012-0004 --
Garrett TA3135 454117-0001 454117-0001 --
Garrett TB0368 465115-0001 465115-0001 1389209
Garrett TB0368 465115-0002 465115-0002 1389208
Garrett TB0368 465115-0003 465115-0003 1389207
Garrett TA3127 465207-0001 465207-0001 --
Garrett TA3127 465207-0002 465207-0002 --
Garrett TA0301 465228-0003 465228-0003 A6170900380
Garrett TA3124 465245-0001 465245-0001, 465245-5001S 403095325
Garrett TB0313 465446-0001 465446-0001 1276984
Garrett TB0313 465446-0002 465446-0002 1276985
Garrett TB0313 465446-0003 465446-0003 8360022
Garrett TB0313 465446-0004 465446-0004 8360022
Garrett TB0313 465446-0005 465446-0005 1326513
Garrett TB0313 465446-0006 465446-0006 8360049
Garrett TB0313 465446-0007 465446-0007 5002092
Garrett TB0313 465446-0008 465446-0008 1332605
Garrett TB0313 465446-0009 465446-0009 1336732
Garrett TB0313 465446-0010 465446-0010 1336733
Garrett TB0313 465446-0012 465446-0012 1346949
Garrett TB0310 465646-0003 465646-0003 6001005347
Garrett TB0310 465646-0004 465646-0004 7701351157
Garrett TA3104 465698-0005 465698-0005 403095324
Garrett TA3114 465722-0001 465722-0001 3140960199
Garrett TA3114 465722-0002 465722-0002 3140960299
Garrett TA3114 465722-0003 465722-0003 --
Garrett TA3114 465722-0004 465722-0004 3140960499
Garrett TA3114 465722-0005 465722-0005 3140960599
Garrett TA3108 465752-0001 465752-0001 --
Garrett TA3108 465752-0002 465752-0002 --
Garrett TA3106 465776-0002 465776-0002 --
Garrett TA3106 465776-0003 465776-0003 --
Garrett TA3106 465776-0004 465776-0004 --
Garrett TA3107 465778-0001 465778-0001 --
Garrett TA3107 465778-0002 465778-0002 2674371
Garrett TA3107 465778-0003 465778-0003 2674372
Garrett TA3107 465778-0004 465778-0004, 465778-5004S 2674373
Garrett TA3107 465778-0005 465778-0005 2674374
Garrett TA3107 465778-0006 465778-0006 2674383
Garrett TA3107 465778-0007 465778-0007 2674384
Garrett TA3107 465778-0009 465778-0009 3228752R91
Garrett TA3107 465778-0010 465778-0010 3228752R92
Garrett TA3107 465778-0011 465778-0011 2674390
Garrett TA3107 465778-0016 465778-0016, 465778-5016S --
Garrett TA3107 465778-0017 465778-0017, 465778-5017S --
Garrett TA3107 465778-0018 465778-0018, 465778-5018S --
Garrett TA3107 465778-0019 465778-0019 --
Garrett TA3107 465778-0020 465778-0020 --
Garrett TA3107 465778-0021 465778-0021 --
Garrett TA3129 465803-0001 465803-0001 --
Garrett TA3128 465805-0001 465805-0001 --
Garrett TA31 465807-0001 465807-0001 --
Garrett TA3132 465809-0001 465809-0001 --
Garrett TB0318 465838-0001 465838-0001 17201-41010
Garrett TB0318 465838-0002 465838-0002 17201-41011
Garrett TA3109 465844-0001 465844-0001 --
Garrett TA3110 465852-0001 465852-0001 --
Garrett TA3112 465896-0001 465896-0001 2236776KZ
Garrett TA3112 465896-0002 465896-0002 --
Garrett TA3112 465896-0003 465896-0003 --
Garrett TA3164 466192-0001 466192-0001 3640960699
Garrett TA3164 466192-0002 466192-0002 3640960699
Garrett TA3164 466192-0003 466192-0003, 466192-5003S 3640960899
Garrett TA3164 466192-0005 466192-0005, 466192-5005S 3640961299
Garrett TA3164 466192-0006 466192-0006 3640961399
Garrett TA3164 466192-0008 466192-0008 3640961799
Garrett TA3164 466192-0009 466192-0009 3640961899
Garrett TA3164 466192-0013 466192-0013, 466192-5013S 3640962299, 374 096 01 99 KZ
Garrett TA0308 466232-0001 466232-0001 5000136930
Garrett TA0310 466246-0001 466246-0001 20963799
Garrett TB0334 466284-0001 466284-0001 --
Garrett TA0312 466342-0001 466342-0001 2674A102
Garrett TA3117 466346-0002 466346-0002 --
Garrett TA3117 466346-0003 466346-0003 --
Garrett TA0314 466424-0001 466424-0001 A0020964399
Garrett TB0342 466564-0001 466564-0001 CAM7745
Garrett TB0342 466564-0002 466564-0002 CDU2149
Garrett TB0345 466644-0001 466644-0001 V85SF6K690AA
Garrett TA3123 466674-0001 466674-0001 --
Garrett TA3123 466674-0002 466674-0002 --
Garrett TA3123 466674-0003 466674-0003 --
Garrett TA3123 466674-0004 466674-0004 --
Garrett TA3123 466674-0006 466674-0006 --
Garrett TA3123 466674-0007 466674-0007 2674A147
Garrett TA3118 466698-0001 466698-0001 4817756
Garrett TA3118 466698-0002 466698-0002 --
Garrett TA3118 466698-0003 466698-0003 --
Garrett TA3118 466698-0004 466698-0004 4817756
Garrett TA3118 466698-0005 466698-0005 4814851
Garrett TA3118 466698-0006 466698-0006 4828239
Garrett TA3118 466698-0007 466698-0007 98472953
Garrett TA3118 466698-0008 466698-0008 --
Garrett TA3119 466746-0001 466746-0001 --
Garrett TA0315 466746-0002 466746-0002 --
Garrett TA3119 466746-0003 466746-0003 82853070
Garrett TA3119 466746-0004 466746-0004 --
Garrett TA3119 466746-0005 466746-0005 E6NN6K682BA
Garrett TA0315 466746-0006 466746-0006 --
Garrett TA3119 466746-0009 466746-0009 --
Garrett TA0315 466778-0001 466778-0001, 466778-5001S --
Garrett TA0315 466778-0002 466778-0002 2674A104P, 2674A105
Garrett TA0315 466778-0003 466778-0003, 466778-5003S --
Garrett TA0315 466778-0004 466778-0004, 466778-5004S 2674A108
Garrett TA0315 466778-0005 466778-0005 2674A105
Garrett TA0315 466778-0006 466778-0006 --
Garrett TA0315 466778-0008 466778-0008, 466778-5008S --
Garrett TA3120 466854-0001 466854-0001 2674A394
Garrett TB035 466858-0001 466858-0001 --
Garrett TB0353 466858-0002 466858-0002 --
Garrett TB0353 466858-0003 466858-0003 --
Garrett TA3121 466908-0001 466908-0001 --
Garrett TB0355 466944-0001 466944-0001 V86SF6K690AA

GA-03-0130 - Part Properties


Blades (Compressor wheel blades count): 6/6

Rotation (Compressor wheel rotation direction): Standard

Type (Compressor wheel production method type): Cast

Back (Compressor wheel back design): Super

A (Size A): 60.10

A1 (Size A1): 60.10

B (Size B): 40.60

C (Size C): 5.15

C1 (Size C1): 3.75

D (Size D): 32.00

E (Size E): 6.35

409096-0001, 409096-0008, GA-03-0130, T3-01

3740960199KZ, 3523677, 4033689, 4033689H, 4033803, 465776-0001, 465776-0005, 4880591, 4881090, 4881650, 504881650, 9004881650, VOE4881650, 409172-0067, 452012-0004, 454117-0001, 1389209, 465115-0001, 1389208, 465115-0002, 1389207, 465115-0003, 465207-0001, 465207-0002, 465228-0003, A6170900380, 403095325, 465245-0001, 465245-5001S, 1276984, 465446-0001, 1276985, 465446-0002, 465446-0003, 8360022, 465446-0004, 8360022, 1326513, 465446-0005, 465446-0006, 8360049, 465446-0007, 5002092, 1332605, 465446-0008, 1336732, 465446-0009, 1336733, 465446-0010, 1346949, 465446-0012, 465646-0003, 6001005347, 465646-0004, 7701351157, 403095324, 465698-0005, 3140960199, 465722-0001, 3140960299, 465722-0002, 465722-0003, 3140960499, 465722-0004, 3140960599, 465722-0005, 465752-0001, 465752-0002, 465776-0002, 465776-0003, 465776-0004, 465778-0001, 2674371, 465778-0002, 2674372, 465778-0003, 2674373, 465778-0004, 465778-5004S, 2674374, 465778-0005, 2674383, 465778-0006, 2674384, 465778-0007, 3228752R91, 465778-0009, 3228752R92, 465778-0010, 2674390, 465778-0011, 465778-0016, 465778-5016S, 465778-0017, 465778-5017S, 465778-0018, 465778-5018S, 465778-0019, 465778-0020, 465778-0021, 465803-0001, 465805-0001, 465807-0001, 465809-0001, 17201-41010, 465838-0001, 17201-41011, 465838-0002, 465844-0001, 465852-0001, 2236776KZ, 465896-0001, 465896-0002, 465896-0003, 3640960699, 466192-0001, 3640960699, 466192-0002, 3640960899, 466192-0003, 466192-5003S, 3640961299, 466192-0005, 466192-5005S, 3640961399, 466192-0006, 3640961799, 466192-0008, 3640961899, 466192-0009, 3640962299, 374 096 01 99 KZ, 466192-0013, 466192-5013S, 466232-0001, 5000136930, 20963799, 466246-0001, 466284-0001, 2674A102, 466342-0001, 466346-0002, 466346-0003, 466424-0001, A0020964399, 466564-0001, CAM7745, 466564-0002, CDU2149, 466644-0001, V85SF6K690AA, 466674-0001, 466674-0002, 466674-0003, 466674-0004, 466674-0006, 2674A147, 466674-0007, 466698-0001, 4817756, 466698-0002, 466698-0003, 466698-0004, 4817756, 466698-0005, 4814851, 466698-0006, 4828239, 466698-0007, 98472953, 466698-0008, 466746-0001, 466746-0002, 466746-0003, 82853070, 466746-0004, 466746-0005, E6NN6K682BA, 466746-0006, 466746-0009, 466778-0001, 466778-5001S, 2674A104P, 2674A105, 466778-0002, 466778-0003, 466778-5003S, 2674A108, 466778-0004, 466778-5004S, 2674A105, 466778-0005, 466778-0006, 466778-0008, 466778-5008S, 2674A394, 466854-0001, 466858-0001, 466858-0002, 466858-0003, 466908-0001, 466944-0001, V86SF6K690AA


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