Back plate for 716885-0001

- Manufacturer:
- Serial number:
- Main number:
GT22-63, GA-08-0052
- OEM number:
701335-0010, 765314-0003, 767805-0002, 767805-0003, 767805-0004, 769701-0001, 777159-0002, 777159-0003, 777162-0001, 769701-0003, 769701-0002, 765314-0004, 717662-0001, 717662-0002, 716885-0001, 716885-0002, 716885-0003, 716885-0004, 716885-0005, 720931-0001, 720931-0002, 720931-0003, 720931-0004, 720931-0005, 777159-0001
About product
Dimensions of the back plate:
Trim (Back plate trim): Deep Superback
A (Size A): 124.00
B (Size B): 100.00
C (Size C): 57.4
D (Size D): 10.00
E (Size E): 13.7
Back plate fits to the next turbochargers:
716885-0001 716885-5001S 716885-0002 716885-0003 716885-0004 716885-0005 716885-5005S 716885-9005S 717662-0001 717662-5001S 717662-0002 720931-0001 720931-5001S 720931-0002 720931-0003 720931-0004 720931-0005 720931-5005S 720931-9005S 765314-0003 765314-5003S 765314-0004 765314-5004S 767805-0002 767805-5002S 767805-0003 767805-5003S 767805-0004 767805-5004S 769701-0001 769701-5001S 769701-0002 769701-5002S 769701-0003 769701-5003S 777159-0001 777159-0002 777159-5002S 777159-0003 777159-5003S 777159-9003S 777162-0001 777162-5001S
070145701J 070145701JV244 070145702B 070145701JV246 070145701JV250 070145702B 070145702BV100 73501386 070145701HV244 070145701HV246 070145701HV250 070145701K 070145702AV100 070145702AV100 059145715M 059145715R 059145721B 059145721E 059145721F 059145721G 059145721D