Back plate for 54359700043


gross, including 23% VAT
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- Manufacturer:
- Serial number:
- Main number:
KP35-65, BW-08-0012
- OEM number:
54399700054, 54399700075, 54399700106, 54399700049, 54399700086, 54399700094, 54399880098, 54399880114, 54399880136, 10009700030, 10009700068, 10009700096, 10009700100, 10009700112, 10009700113, 54359700011, 54359700012, 54359700025, 54359700028, 54359700029, 54359700042, 54359700038, 54359700043, 54359700045, 54359980060, 10009700051, 10009700069, 10009700097, 10009700101, 10009700114, 10009700115, 54359700039, 54359700041, 54359700047
About product
Dimensions of the back plate:
Trim (Back plate trim): Superback
A (Size A): 46.8
B (Size B): 34.0
C (Size C): 36.0
D (Size D): 10.0
E (Size E): 10.5
Back plate fits to the next turbochargers:
- 10009700030 10009700051 10009700068 10009700069 10009700096 10009700097 10009700100 10009700101 10009700112 10009700113 10009880113 10009930113 10009700114 10009700115 10009700252 10009880115 10009930115 54359700011 54359700012 54359700025 54359700028 54359700029 54359710029 54359980029 5435970003854359700039 54359700041 54359700042 54359700043 54359710043 54359700045 54359710045 54359700047 54359700053 54359710053 54359700056 54359710056 54359880056 54359700057 54359710057 54359700060 54359710060 54359980060 54399700015 54399880015 54399700049 54399880049 54399700054 54399880054 54399900054 54399700074 54399700075 54399700086 54399880086 54399700094 54399700099 54 399700106 54 399700120 54399700098 54399880098 54399700114 54399880114 54399700136 54399880136
- 03L145715B 03L145715C 03L145701R 03L145701S 03L145715K 03L145715H 03L145873A 03L145873B 03L145873D 03L145715L 03L145873C 03L145715M 03L145873G 7701476040 7701476891 8200315504 8200507852 7701476041 7701476880 8200392656 8200478276 8200439551 8200728090 8200841167 8200860233 8200889694 11657823255 7823255 7812318 7812318 11657823255 11657823256 4730580 7823255 7823256 11657823255 11657823256 7823255 7823256 7812318 11657823255 11657823256 7823255 7823256 8573105 8573106 11657823255 11657823256 7823255 7823256 11657823255 11657823256 7823255 7823256 045253019A 6460900280 6460901180 6460901880 045253019J 6510903380 6510901080 6510904680 6510905080 6510905380 03L253016A 03L253016A 6510904080 6510905180 6510905380 6510905780 6510905780 03L253016H 03L253056D 03L253056R
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