Back plate for 53299986909

8.12 gross, including 23% VAT
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  • Manufacturer:


  • Serial number:


  • Main number:

    K29-60, BW-08-0049

  • OEM number:

    53299707110, 53299707123, 53299707113, 53299707121, 53299707130, 53299707131, 53299707132, 53319707500, 53319707501, 53319707502, 53319707503, 53319707504, 53319707505, 53319707506, 53319707507, 53319707508, 53319707509, 53319707515, 53319707516, 53319707517

About product

Dimensions of the back plate:

Type (Back plate type): Inside

Trim (Back plate trim): Superback

A (Size A): 65.00

B (Size B): 50.00

D (Size D): 16.00

E (Size E): 10.00

Back plate fits to the next turbochargers:

  • 53289706703 53289886703 53299706711 53299886711 53299706904 53299706907 53299706909 53299986909 53299706916 53299986916 53299706921 53299986921 53299707103 53299887103 53299707105 53299717105 53299887105 53299707109 53299887109 53299707110 53299887110 53299707111 53299887111 53299707112 53299887112 53299707113 53299887113 53299707115 53299887115 53299707116 5329988711653299707120 53299887120 53299707121 53299887121 53299707122 53299887122 53299707123 53299887123 53299707129 53299887129 53299907129 53299707130 53299887130 53299907130 53299707131 53299887131 53299907131 53299707132 53299887132 53299907132 53299707200 53299887200 53319706707 53319886707 53319706708 53319886708 53319706710 53319886710 53319706711 5331988671153319706712 53319886712 53319706715 53319886715 53319706727 53319716727 53319886727 53319706902 53319716902 53319886902 53319706910 53319716910 53319886910 53319707104 53319707115 53319887115 53319707117 53319717117 53319887117 53319707118 53319707119 53319707120 53319707121 53319707122 53319987122 53319707123 53319987123 53319707124 53319707129 53319987129 53319707130 53319987130 53319707132 53319707133 53319707134 53319707135 53319707139 53319707141 53319717141 53319887141 53319707142 53319887142 53319707143 53319887143 53319707144 53319887144 53319707145 53319887145 53319907145 53319707146 53319887146 53319707200 53319887200 53319707201 53319887201 5331 970 7202 5331988720253319707203 53319707204 53319887204 53319707205 53319717205 53319887205 53319707206 53319707209 53319717206 53319887206 53319707207 53319887207 53319707209 53319887206 53319707500 53319887500 53319707501 53319887501 53319707503 53319717503 53319887503 53319707505 53319887505 53319707506 53319887506 53319707507 53319717507 53319887507 53319907507 53319707508 53319887508 53319707509 53319887509 53319707515 53319707516 5331 9887516 53319707520 5331 9887520 53319907520 53319707524 53319887524 53319717122 53319987122
  • 51.09100-7397 51.09100-7384 20364192 20490986 85000203 20531627 85000367 3801115 3836017 384267720999297 85000771 21388358 51.09100-7331 51.09100-7538 51.09100-7539 51.09100-7629 51.09100-7694 51.09100-7691 51.09100-7684 51.09100-7741 51.09100-7750 51.09100-7761 51.09100-7923 51.09100-7924 51.09100-7925 51.09100-7926 51.09101-702351.09101-7024 51.09101-7025 51.09101-7026 51.09100-7808 51.09100-7466 51.09100-7467 51.09100-7463 51.09100-7470 51.09100-7476 51.09100-7564 51.09100-7783 51.09100-7784 51.09100-7606 51.09100-7607 51.09100-7764 51.09100-7765 80960799 51.09100-7443 51.09100-7460 51.09100-7481 1358390 13583911388241 1366722 3802135 3828229 3802136 3828230 1398521 3801558 3836605 3801114 3808049 3838871 3842676 1642313 1642314 1642315 1642316 1658902 51.09100-7785 51.09100-7786 1779161 17791621779163 1779164 1779165 51.09100-7368 10297593 51.09100-7516 51.09100-7525 51.09100-7532 51.09100-7588 51.09100-7714 51.09100-7715 10297593 51.09100-7766 51.09100-7768 51.09100-7820 10297593 51.09100-7574 51.09100-7572 51.09100-7599 51.09100-7742 51.09100-7712 51.09100-7732 51.09100-7742 51.09100-7769 51.09100-7787 51.09100-7767 51.09100-7819 51.09100-7848 51.09100-7849 51.09100-7982 51.09101-7242 3802134 3829484
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12 months

All components compatible with OEM: 53299707110

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